Alexander, the 13th Duke
The Manchester Heritage
Beginning in 2012 I, Melinda Pillsbury-Foster, was attacked by a group of individuals including Rayelan (known by numerous other names).  On the face of it, Rayelan was offering me some paid work, which I was happy to accept.  As it turned out, this was actually a set up to bring about my death and that of my son, Arthur. Rayelan had been hired for this by my former husband, Craig Franklin, who had carried out the steps needed to bring down the Towers on 9/11.  See It is likely Dan O'Dowd, the president of Green Hills Software (GHS), the corporation for which Craig was Senior Vice President for Advanced Products Development, knew about this attempt on our lives but ignored it until my online response to this threatened his own security.  Dan, and his wife, Amy Chang, the majority owners of GHS, had much to cover up.  

A list of more of the individuals, who will appear as characters in our productions for iTV are available on Ruthless People.

The cover-ups had begun in 1998, or slightly earlier, as you will see.  This events are now elements in our Century Story for 1900 - present day, these being presented with 2-Way Interactive TV, which enables formerly passive watchers to discuss the action and add to the content of show segments.   See Freedom TV Networks for information on our production and distribution.  These first shows will launch from Women Leading TV Network.

Explaining this Website, informational archive for our iTV Show Series
Century Stories 1900 - 2000

For more on the Manchesters visit and  An amusing side note on the first informational site listed above.  After having entirely defrauded me for the site I had built for them originally and the subsequent interviews with Alex, and work for selling the videos of Manchester's son with Michael Jackson after Jackson attended the memorial service for Princess Diana with them in Los Angeles on September 13, 1997. Michael Jackson is one of the 800 attendees at the memorial service for Princess Diana at St. James' Episcopal Church as the guests of Alex and Wendy, the Duke and Duchess of Manchester.  800 people attended.  
Just the facts 
Alexander, the 13th Duke of Manchester inherited the title from his father, the 12th Duke.  

Having a title became a source of income to Alexander which he could scarcely do without, as you will see.  There is a knee-jerk reaction when someone has a title with the weight of centuries and the promise of hefty assets.  

The the Dukes of Manchester began overspending in the late 19th Century and in desperation to preserve some small part of what was once an enormous fortune, began marrying for money at about the same time.  

This worked, for a while.  Then, they found fewer wealthy women who were interested in the kind of life they would have to live to carry a title. 

Alexander is not the first Duke to spend time in jail for felonies.  He was released, committed further crimes, and again incarcerated in Nevada for charges which included attempted burglary.  

The history above shows you how far they had to fall for leniency to end. 

And we think it is time for a reckoning, one where the illusions go up in laughter.  Because along with the outrages these folks are pretty funny. 

On our coming show, En-titled-Elites, you get the facts about those who trade in image, unearned wealth, and illusions of all kinds. You can preview how we bring home the reality of all Elites.  For a much more indepth body of information on the Manchesters and the other individuals hired to kill Melinda and her son, Arthur, visit The Duke and Doxie of Manchester.

InterAction Television puts us, the ordinary people, in charge of our own lives, allowing us to make decisions which build a stable economy and provide the security for which all good people hunger today.  See for shows now in preproduction